Chesterfield Business Expo

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Last updated: 17/01/2024

Hopkinson Waste At The Chesterfield Business Expo

The Chesterfield Business Expo is a new annual event that serves as a vibrant platform for businesses in Chesterfield, and the surrounding regions. It’s a newly developed Expo, and the first ever event was held on the 25th October 2023.

Why Hopkinson attended:

Attending the Chesterfield Business Expo proved to be a valuable experience for Hopkinson Waste, for several reasons. Firstly, it provided us with a unique opportunity to showcase our products/services to a diverse and broad audience, that we otherwise would probably not reach.

The networking aspect of the expo allowed us to connect with other local businesses, paving the way for collaboration and strategic partnerships including:

  • Commercial waste management services.

  • Commercial aggregate supply.

  • Commercial skip hire services.

Additionally, the expo offered a platform to stay on top of of industry trends and innovations through engaging with other exhibitors and attending informative sessions.

Chesterfield goes purple

We also had a table of merchandise at our stand- (Limited edition purple beanies for winter, baseball caps, pens and kids’ t-shirts) and by the end of the event, our table was empty! Potential clients got free purpleness, and we increased our brand visibility, so everyone was happy!

A word from Natalie

Natalie, representing Hopkinson Waste, shared her enthusiasm about the Chesterfield Business Expo experience. "Hopkinson Waste has been an integral part of the local community for almost 30 years, and participating in events like the Chesterfield Business Expo is a fantastic way for us to connect with our neighbours and establish new contacts. It's more than just a platform for showcasing our waste management services; it's about building relationships and a sense of community. The expo allowed us to engage with fellow businesses, share our experiences, and learn from others. It's through events like these that we not only promote our services but also contribute to the growth and vibrancy of the local business ecosystem. The connections made at the expo are invaluable, creating a network that extends far beyond the event itself."

Overall, attending the Chesterfield Business Expo not only started immediate business connections, but also contributed to our long-term growth and success.

How can Hopkinson Waste help you?

Speak to a member of our team to get more information on how Hopkinson Waste can help you or your business better manage your waste with our recycling solutions.

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